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Top 10 Thai Snacks | 2015

It's already half year of 2016 and we're waiting to see how fierce snack products continue to be developed in Thailand this year. Meanwhile, let's have a brief lookback on Top 10 Thai Snacks in 2015 voted by the locals.

Thailand Snacks Market 2014-2015

To begin with, Thailand snacks market is currently worth more than 870 million US dollars with 3-5% continuous growth in domestic market. 35% of the market comes from reformed snacks made by various ingredients such as wheat flour, rice or tapioca starch. 25% from potato chips, 10% from crispy seaweed and the rest are from nuts, beans, seafood snacks and others. New flavours and ingredients are being added every year based on its ease to access raw materials and variety of local recipes to be adapted.

This unofficial survey was based on small research group of 500 people in December 2015 mixed by various occupations and locations in Thailand. The survey may not be conducted with 100% theoretical corrected by the book hence this summary is meant for entertainment and to be shared with friends only. Here we go:

No.10 Corn Puff [get it here] - An all-time favorites from kids to grown ups in Thailand which we all used to at school. Made from corn with intense flavour in a single bite.

Corn Puff

No.9 Party [get it here] - A sweet potato with its secret caramel recipe which makes it unstoppable once you start. They do have various flavours for your choice but certainly the best one of all time is this caramel sweet potato, one and only.


No.8 Potae [get it here] - The most classic Thai snack as we've known since we were just a little children. Never change its flavour, its shape, its packaging. With this sole simply taste has made them very popular in Thailand which you can find in every stores same as many decades before.


No.7 Hanami [get it here] - With its slogan "Hanami .. A chip of Friendship" and its unique taste have made it become popular for Thai snackers in the past 30 years. You gotta try it yourself!


No.6 Tasto [get it here] - Another popular potato chips in Thailand with various flavours and its unique wavy shape. Nice.


No.5 Poo Thai [get it here] - Another Thai Snacks which has been exported to many countries around the world. With its identity as crab-shape chips looking so yummy. umm ... gotta grab one.

Poo Thai

No.4 Paprika [get it here] - And its slogan "Everything is possible with Paprika". Rich with its seasoning among all potato chips in Thailand. Another all-time favorite snacks which still being popular among Thai snackers until these days.


No.3 Snack Jack [get it here] - Crispy green pea snacks, non-fried which is clearly No.1 choice for crispy pea snacks and it's popular slogan "Good snacks for Good folks"

Snack Jack

No.2 Cornae [get it here] - The best snack made from corn from its aroma until it crisps in your mouth. Very popular with its slogan "Everywhere is delicious with Cornae".


No.1 Lay's [get it here] - Still leading Thai Snacks market as local favorites with new local flavours from time-to-time which keep attracting snackers who are seeking new unique experience.


And that's all the list we've got from 2015. What's coming in 2016 and what's yours? Let us know and remember .. Keep Spice, Keep Snacking!

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