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The Truth about Nutrition Facts

The Truth about Nutrition Facts

How to read and understand nutrition facts is the key to choose your smart healthy choice of snacks. Most labels contain this data in the unit of amount per serving which is the international standard practice and will easily help us determine what we're going to consume. Try to look out for key ingredients such as ketchup should have been made from tomatoes as a major ingredient instead of others. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you better understand each element.

step-by-step guide to better understand each element about nutrition fact

*** - important facts

xxx - should be avoided

  1. *** Serving Size - Located at the top of the table to show unit consumption which all later nutrition facts will always refer to this one amount per serving (e.g. this example shows one amount per serving equals to 12 oz)

  2. *** Calories - Total energy which we will receive by consuming one amount per serving (e.g. this example shows 100 calories per 12 oz)

  3. Calories from Fat - Energy from fat which we will receive by consuming one amount per serving which one package may carry more than one serving so make sure you multiply the total calories correctly (e.g. this example shows 32 calories per 12 oz)

  4. *** Total Fat - Amount of total fat in grams on the left side along with recommended % daily value consumption (e.g. this example shows total fat 3.5 grams which is equivalent to 5% of recommended daily consumption)

  5. xxx Saturated Fat - Highly avoided as it's the source of to make you become "Hypercholesterolemia" represented in grams on the left side along with recommended % daily value consumption (e.g. this example shows total fat 2 grams which is equivalent to 10% of limited daily consumption)

  6. *** Polyunsaturated and Monounsaturated Fat - A good fat to be consumed in grams on the left side (e.g. not applicable in this example)

  7. xxx Trans Fat - A kind of saturated fat made made from hydrogen which should also be avoided in grams on the left side (e.g. not applicable in this example)

  8. xxx Cholesterol - Amount of Cholesterol per amount of serving in milligrams (e.g. this example shows cholesterol 15 milligrams which is equivalent to 5% of limited daily consumption)

  9. xxx Sodium - As known as "Salt" which is actually required for our body though it's not recommended to consume more than 2,300 milligrams per day as it can cause kidney disease or raise the blood pressure which is similar effect when consuming MSG (e.g. this example shows sodium 80 milligrams which is equivalent to 3% of recommended daily consumption)

  10. *** Potassium - Essential nutrition for our body which helps to build muscles, strengthen our bones, improve nervous system, etc. Mostly found in spinach, mushrooms or beans (e.g. not applicable in this example)

  11. *** Total Carbohydrate - Amount of total carbohydrate from fiber and sugar in grams (e.g. this example shows total carbohydrate 10 grams which is equivalent to 3% of recommended daily consumption)

  12. *** Dietary Fiber - Amount of fiber in grams (e.g. this example shows dietary fiber 0 grams)

  13. xxx Sugar - It's a kind of carbohydrate which should be avoided because it can contains fat and very easy to be over-consumed which may lead to heart failure (e.g. this example shows sugar 9 grams which limited daily consumption is around 37 grams for men and 25 grams for women)

  14. *** Protein - Unit in grams (e.g. this example shows protein 6 grams which is equivalent to 12% of recommended daily consumption)

  15. *** Vitamin and Mineral - Percentage of each vitamin and mineral compares to recommended daily consumption of each type (e.g. this example shows vitamin A 6%, vitamin C 0%, calcium 25%, iron 0% and caffeine 75 mg)

Chao Sua - Whole Grains Cereal (70g)

Chao Sua - Whole Grains Cereal All nutrition you need in one bite

Remark : Percentage of each vitamin and mineral to be consumed daily for american people over 4 years old refers to energy consumption 2000 kilocalories per day

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